
Thursday, 18 September 2008

Carrot Curry Soup

Carrot Curry Soup

This is easily my favorite soup. It's so simple yet very tasty and nothing fancy about it. We used to serve it at the cafe I worked in back home and my good friend (and chef) kindly gave me the recipe. In the cafe we would make it usually with cream but sometimes vegan so it didn't even need adapting. This isn't the cafe version mind you but a healthier spin on it although I can't tell the difference. It's very thick and velvety, definitely a main course soup, we serve it with fresh oven bread rolls and red wine. Thanks to my friend for letting me post it :)

Carrot Curry Soup: serves 3

10g vegan margarine (2 teaspoons)
1 large onion, roughly chopped
2 tsp mild curry powder
3/4 tsp salt (this used to be doubled but I'm cutting back)
4 cups water
1 oxo vegetable stock cube or 4 tsp marigold vegan stock granules
500g fresh carrots, peeled and cut into 1" chunks (weigh after peeling)
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
100ml reduced fat coconut milk

In a large saucepan, add the margarine on medium heat and melt. Add the curry powder and gently 'toast' for about 1 minute. Add the onion, stir then add the water, stock cube and salt. Bring to the boil then add the carrots. When it returns to the boil cook with lid slightly askew for about 15 minutes or until carrots just tender. Turn off heat, let cool slightly then puree in a blender until smooth. I have to do this in 2 batches. Return pureed soup to the pan and turn heat on to medium. Add the lemon juice and coconut milk and stir well. When hot ladle into bowls and if you like stir a little coconut milk over the top.

Carrot Curry Soup


  1. Have you tried freezing this soup? I have a glut of carrots and need some recipes for the freezer. Thanks

  2. Hi Rachel! Sorry for the late posting and reply here, we are having internet problems again :-(

    I haven't frozen this soup in particular but I made a very similar carrot/coconut milk soup once and it froze and reheated perfectly so I would say it would be fine.

    What's funny too is your comment came almost the exact same time my in-laws brought a large bucket of carrots up to us, so I think I'll be doing the same!! :-D
