
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Bryant Terry's Jamaican Veggie Patties with Hot Pepper Sauce

Jamaican Veggie Pattieswhole with a simple side salad

Jamaican Veggie Pattiesopened and served with his 'Hot Pepper Sauce'

I finally got around to making something else from Bryant Terry's "Vegan Soul Kitchen". I am loving this book and wanted to make these patties right from the start. The second thing I made from it, the Black-Eyed Pea Fritters, were unfortunately for me, a disaster. The balls formed together just fine but when I placed them in the coconut oil to fry they acted like little meteors burning through the earth's atmosphere, starting off large and completely disintegrating!! Sigh...don't know what I did wrong but it wasn't all a loss, the Hot Pepper Sauce that went with them turned out fantastic, I make it regularly now and slather it on everything - gorgeous!!!

Well, back to the patties - these turned out equally as fantastic and I will be making these quite often! The pastry is made with coconut butter (solidified coconut oil, I used extra-virgin organic) and turmeric and came out very flaky, gently infused with a taste of coconut and very yummy indeed:) The filling of carrots, potatoes, peas, corn and cabbage is nicely spiced with cinnamon, allspice, cayenne and cumin. Now I personally found them too hot to have with the hot pepper sauce so had vegan sour cream with mine, but the pepper sauce goes nice with it as well. Although you don't need any sauce/dip with these really.

Recipe for the Jamaican Patties reprinted with permission on Heidi Swanson's Blog , and the recipe for the Hot Pepper Sauce on Bryant Terry's Website . His website also has the recipe for the Black Eyed Pea Fritters which sadly did not turn out for me :( Note - he has changed his website and it's now gone.

Notes: The recipe on Heidi's site is the full version and makes 6 large patties, I halved it and made 3 the size you see. You can also make lots of mini ones for snacks/appetizers. I served mine with a simple cooling side salad of leaf, avocado and tomato in a lime vinaigrette. I also didn't have any lemon juice for the filling so used lime which went really well with the tropical flavours.

Recipe for the salad dressing I used:
1 Tbsp Olive oil
1/2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
1 small clove garlic, pureed
1/8 tsp salt
1 quick squeeze of 1/2 a lime
few grinds black pepper

Slowly whisk the vinegar into the olive oil until emulsified, then whisk in the rest.


  1. That looks like a really good meal. I have just borrowed Vegan Soul Kitchen from my local library, I'm looking forward to making some of the recipes.

  2. Your blog makes vegan food look SO good! I am (sadly, still)omnivorous but I cook a lot of vegetarian and vegan food for our houseguests and friends. The concept of vegetarianism has still not really caught on in Greece, but we're working on it!

    I found you because a houseguest brought me a bottle of Camp's coffee and chicory essence and your cake looks divine! I WILL be making it.

    Jessica [truestarr]

  3. Mandee - how cool that your local library has such a recent vegan cookbook??? That's great, mine might have 1 Vegetarian cookbook from the late 70's :) I have loved Vegan Soul Kitchen, so healthy!

    Jessica - thanks so much for your comment!! Love your blog too - jealous, it looks lovely there:):) I forgot all about that coffee cake, I may just have to attempt to veganize that one, it was yum!

  4. This does look really really good. Something you could even take into work for lunch. I haven't seen the book in any of the bookshops yet, so I think an order to Amazon may be due.

  5. Not sure how they class as patties myself, more like a pasty if you ask me. But things differ around the world. ☺

  6. Yup, just regional differences.... most countries have a variation of these. I know them more as turnovers, in Latin America and other parts they would be empanadas. In Jamaica as well as large parts of the Caribbean they are patties:

    Still, whatever they are called they are always good! I used to love getting veggie pasties back in England and this version in particular is fantastic :-)
