
Saturday 15 August 2009

Perfect Vegan Scones!

vegan raisin scones

This recipe makes the most lightest, yummiest scones. It's based on the same one from my old blog which came from Joy of Baking . Now that called for 1 egg, butter and cream so I thought I would first try with no egg, shortening (veg fat) and rice milk instead. They turned out almost perfect, the only thing is they are so light and delicate they do crumble rather easily.

So the next time I made them I added some cornflour to help bind and that solved it perfectly! They stayed light and delicious but held together a lot better. Furthermore I love Joy of Baking's idea of dusting icing sugar on top and grilling them just until it caramelizes. It gives a sweet crunchy topping which is lovely :) I probably make these for breakfast every Saturday or Sunday - they are seriously the best scones, vegan or not, I've ever had!

Scones - makes 6

280g flour - 2 cups
2 Tbsp cornflour (cornstarch)
50g caster sugar - 1/4 cup
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
80g cold shortening (vegetable fat) - 1/3 cup
1 tsp vanilla
150 - 180ml dairy free milk (180ml is 3/4 cup)
50g raisins (optional) - I no longer add these as my son is not keen!
icing sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 190C/ 380F. If using raisins, pour some boiling water over the raisins and let sit until their edges start to turn white. Drain and pat dry and set aside. Place the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a large bowl and whisk well. Add the fat and cut in with a pastry cutter until the mixture is like coarse crumbs.

Stir in the raisins (if using) then add the milk and vanilla - stir quickly with a fork until it just comes together - do not overmix! You may just need 150ml or the full 180ml, I find it depends on what type of milk I'm using. It should be moist but not sticky and initially will not come together into a ball. Bring the dough together with your hands and place on a lightly floured surface, turn over and shape into a 1 1/2" thick circle. Do NOT knead it or handle it too much or your scones will be tough. Cut into 6 triangles, separate and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. If not grilling the tops you can brush the tops now with some dairy free milk. Bake for 15 - 18 minutes or until lightly golden and a toothpick comes out clean.

For the optional topping: Turn the grill on and get the rack in the upper half of the oven. *Remove the baking paper from the sheet!!!* and sift a generous amount of icing sugar on top of the scones. Place under the grill until it just starts to bubble, melt and is golden. Watch constantly as it will burn fast. Transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly then serve warm with vegan margarine and jam.

Nutritional Information: based on 1 plain scone out of 6

Calories: 352
Protein: 4.8g
Fat: 14g
Sat Fat: 5.5g
Fibre: 1.3g
Carbs: 50.8g
Sugar: 9.9g
Sodium: 106.9mg


  1. You're on fire! So many great recipes in such a few days! keep up the good vegan job :) Barbara

  2. These look absolutely fantastic! Maybe a tablespoon of soy- or chickpea flour can help agains the crubling. I have always had good results with it.

  3. Thanks Barbara:) and Mihl thanks for the tip - will def. try that out! :)

  4. I just tried them with oat milk and they are delicious!! Not too soft, not too thick. I love them!!! They totally feel like the non vegan ones and better !! Thank you.

  5. So glad you liked them!!! Thanks so much for the comment :)

  6. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeblogged!!!

    Effing YUM.

  7. Trying out vegan scone recipes for cream tea event i am doing for the Royal Wedding in April. These are just to find a great clotted cream alternative

  8. Hope you like them Rachel! I've been making these like every other week for years but for some reason have been finding I need a little extra milk lately, like 180ml instead of the 150ml. No idea why! It's a bit odd as I've been using this recipe for years but something to keep in mind if your mixture is a bit dry :-)

    Have you seen Vegan Yum Yum's clotted cream recipe? Sounds great!

  9. Just finished making these and am soooo excited how they turned out! Light and fluffy just as was said. Every recipe I've tried from here is just amazing! Can't wait to try more!!! YOU ROCK!!

  10. Thanks so much for the nice comment Aimee ♥ - so glad you liked them!

  11. I made these awhile back, and they were really delicious but I forgot to leave a comment letting you know how much I enjoyed them! lol :D They were great!

  12. Glad you liked them! Thanks for letting me know :-)


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